Wanderlust Clothing Co, fictional

Wanderlust Clothing Co is in the e-Commerce Clothing niche, targeted towards millennial females who love to travel and want to look stylish on the road. Their mission is to provide women clothing that is budget conscious but versatile, so that they can pack light. Wanderlust sees a world where fashionable clothing is the norm, and it is accessible to everyone because of the incredibly low prices. Great clothing shouldn’t be a luxury, but a way of life!

Insights: Off-white, burgundy, and black are excellent neutral tones, whereas purple adds an airy, wanderlust feel to the palette. Playfair Display is one of our favorite fonts, which exudes elegance and grace. Displayed below is an opt-in form to gather leads, a welcome email subscribers would receive and a discount broadcast email for a recent sale.

Branding Colors and Font:

Opt-in, Welcome Email, Discount Email:

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