Strong & Well Podcast, fictional

Strong & Well is a fitness and wellness podcast aimed towards females who strive to feel strong, healthy and whole, both physically and mentally. Their podcast features a mix of interviews, advice and conversations around the topics of healthy eating, fitness routines, personal development, etc. Their mission is to be the go-to resource for women to feel supported in their journey and to be strong and well. They only offer a free podcast for now, but eventually they would like to add products and services. Their ideal customer/client is females between 30 – 40 years old. About 65% of these women are busy moms and income is middle to upper class. They want the brand to feel modern and clean and are very open to colors and textures.

Insights: Earthy tones were the way to go for this one, with greens and yellows. A neutral color was necessary, hence the Calm Sand shade, and the bold color brought strength, energy, and vitality (significance of orange and red) to the palette. SignPainter was a legible cursive font that went well for a heading, and Optima was a modern font for general copy. The moodboard influenced social media templates and the podcast cover mockup. The 3 brand pillars, or brand stories, used to make the social media templates are: healthy clean eating; best-value podcast; personal development. Their value proposition would be: “our top-rated free podcast will provide you with the healthiest recipes, best fitness routines, and most insightful fitness hacks for a happier, fulfilled, rejuvenated you”. 

Branding Colors and Fonts:

Moodboard Collage (design inspiration):

iPhone mockup:

Marketing materials/social media templates! They vary, from Instagram posts/stories to Facebook posts/stories.

These announce the start of the podcast, when a new episode has been released, and general engagement posts:

Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress